Conventional central air conditioning systems are complicated and inflexible. Often, the design of your Brisbane area home and its ductwork will degrade cooling performance because of leakage and inaccurate sizing. Split system air conditioning completely eliminates the need for ductwork and registers as every self-contained unit includes all components necessary to cool a specific area.
In whole house applications, Intagas can install multiple air handlers that can be connected to a single condenser equipped with matching compressor circuits. Each air handler has a separate remote control for zoning comfort. Here are some of the reasons why you may want to consider a split system for your home.
Reduced Energy Costs
A split system splits regular compressor operation through advanced inverter technology not available on conventional air conditioning equipment. An inverter ensures that the unit provides the exact capacity to meet the indoor load. Ductless split systems offer the highest efficiencies available among all current air conditioning models. A ductless unit can save up to 60 percent on monthly cooling costs.
Quiet Comfort and Better Control
Split system air conditioning operates at lower velocities when compared to traditional air handlers. As a result, they tend to be quieter, with the sound of rushing air virtually eliminated. These units are especially effective in bedrooms where homeowners appreciate their quiet operation and remote controls can easily change temperature settings.
Ideal for Older Homes
Older homes often have thick walls and tight spaces, which makes installation of large conventional air conditioning systems difficult at best. Split systems can be located up to 15 metres away from each other without a significant loss of efficiency. This flexibility allows us to position the unit for optimal performance and visual aesthetics.
Improved Indoor Air Quality
After several years of operation, air ducts in a traditional system accumulate substantial quantities of dirt, debris and other contaminants. The central blower continually recycles these pollutants throughout your home. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a variety of respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies and chronic lung conditions. The air in a split system passes through the air handler without travelling through long and dirty ducts. A series of media filters cleans the air and blows it directly in to the room it cools.
The Ductless Advantage
Intagas can give you additional information about split systems including advanced filtration, hard-wired thermostats and remote controls.